Thursday, 25 February 2010

A day in the life of my job

My day started with the composition of a fairly lengthy response to a petition about dangerous dogs in parks.

That done, it was a quick drive out into the parks in the north of the borough. There I encountered a number of elderly folk walking their dogs and enjoying the milder weather. London is water-logged at present and there's more rain yet to come. The parks are flooded in places.

As with dogs in parks, I'm responsible for the excessive rain water in the roads and gardens surrounding the parks and yesterday afternoon was spent carefully rebutting allegations on that front too!

   Little Wormwood Scrubs 25th February 2010 

Following the tour of some of my own parks, I travelled by bus into Westminster to look at Green Park and then Hyde Park. Both are Royal Parks Agency sites, and are faring no better than ourselves at present from what I could see.

I find the dull, weather and damp at this time of year extremely depressing ... yet bumped into a colleague standing in the light rain this afternoon - absolutely delighted and literally soaking it up. How sad he must be in a hot, dry summer!