Thursday 25 June 2009

The bees are buzzing ...

I have to write a blog on this subject as it has got me into awful trouble for being inconsistent!
I'm very close to a project to introduce bee hives into a public open space (how obscure can that be!). The scientific and environmental arguments for encouraging bees in parks etc couldn't be stronger when you consider the global demise of bees and that the Sechuan province of China is now completely devoid of them - despite being the main producer of pears for the Chinese. Agricultural chemicals are the guilty party there, I gather.
Anyway: having secured limited political backing for the scheme we were warned that others of that class would be aghast at the prospect and so - no word ahead of honey in a jar!
The press team obviously wanted to run a story - particularly as Kew Gardens are getting hugely positive coverage for their two hives - but I poured cold water on it for the reasons above. Devious, devious, people that they are, though, they found a tweat from me on my corporate site and smacked my fingers!
Oh well! To hell with that ... since then we've collected one "trek" swarm from a Magnolia tree and provided it with a home alongside our hives and this morning added a Black English Queen to improve the health of it. Our original swarms are now producing honey and loving the Lime trees which are currently in flower.
Yesterday another swarm was rescued on Fulham Road from a cyclists bicycle ... picture his face when he arrived to find them happily settled! Sadly we couldn't accomodate it so it has had to be relocated outside of London.
There are many very good sites on bees and the campaign to improve their lot - so no doubt much more on this subject in the future.