I give notice that I am aware that a woman whose vicious out-pourings on gay people etc is in the gutter (undergoing psychiatric help) and that her husband has been forced, temporarily at least, out of office on account of his failure to declare what he knew of her financial dealings with her (former) nineteen year old, lover. Needless to say, both are politicians. She has said she will step down within days (after negotiating her golden hand-shake and pension?) and he has taken six weeks' leave of absence.
My desire to be more compassionate in my dealings towards others prevents me venting what I really feel at present about the demise of the Robinson duo .... I am hopeful that now that they are really down, they start to appreciate the meaning of the word.
Away from Northern Ireland and Westminster they may indeed find time enough to reflect on what led to their unplanned early departure and why so many are content to see them suffer.