Wednesday, 9 December 2009

A very selective Christmas message?

I must confess to be starting to lose track of modern Christianity: on top of the Swiss referendum result to ban more minarets being built (see a minaret and become Muslim? - that doesn't sound too logical ...), the outrage at a lesbian being elected as a Bishop by her diocese and the deafening silence from the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope on the legislation (and hatred) being written into Ugandan law this week against gay people who will now face the death penalty (as will anyone associated with them).

We are reminded constantly of the declining numbers attending church services, assailed with requests to remind ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas and yet have the collective leadership seemingly silent on the real message of the gospel, namely: "love, forgiveness, conviviality, community, healing and freedom from demonic preoccupation"*(THOMAS MOORE: WRITING IN THE SAND).

You cannot help but wonder what Christ would have thought!